Saturday, October 6, 2012

Violating Your Privacy As A Service

Steve Wozniak: Cloud Computing Will Cause 'Horrible Problems In The Next Five Years':
(August 6, 2012)

Interview with Brian Kernighan
(October 1, 2012)
"If I had to pick a single issue, it would be privacy. The spread of the Internet, the steadily decreasing cost of storage and processing power, and the pervasive use of the Internet have combined to make it very difficult to restrict how much others can find out about our lives. Commercial interests of course want to know as much as possible as they can about us so they can induce us to buy more. Governments have perhaps come a bit late to the party, but they too are eager to learn everything possible about their citizens. I fear that without some unlikely combination of restraint, law, and pushback by ordinary people, we are heading to a world that will make the invasions of Orwell's 1984 seem desirable by contrast."

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